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[Global Survey Report] Beyond the Cookie: The Future of Advertising for Marketers & Publishers


Digital advertising is no stranger to innovation but what exactly does the future look like beyond the cookie and how are marketers and publishers preparing? Lotame commissioned a survey of over 1,000 marketers and publishers across the globe to find out.

In this just-released report, we present our global survey findings to inform, inspire, and educate both sides of the table on what each needs, wants, and hopes for the future of our industry:

  • What keeps marketers & publishers up at night
  • How will investments pivot
  • What should the future of digital advertising look like

Nearly 60% of marketers believe more should be invested in people-based marketing/identity solutions.

Learn more about the study in our regional press release: North America, United Kingdom, Australia, Singapore, and India.

Sign up below and get access to the report now!