Lotame Curation
Smash Your KPIs Make Every Media Dollar Count Learn How

Curation Solutions

The cost of running ads is up, but quality and safety are down. Reverse your brand’s fortunes with Lotame’s Curation solutions. Unbeatable performance. Real insights. No ops hassle.

lotame curation - increase reach, conversion and engagement

Data Empowered PMP Packages

Get all the upside of a private marketplace (PMP) minus the operational headaches. Lotame’s Curation blends audience, contextual and analytics mastery to deliver Data Empowered PMP packages designed to crush your goals. Deliver in full, fast with tailored audiences matched to high-quality inventory. With dynamic pricing, you’ll realize more of your working media dollars on hard-to-reach consumers. Pro outcomes, anti nonsense.

Lotame data empowered PMP package - performance

Bespoke audiences + inventory for specific campaign KPIs or outcomes such as CTR or viewability

Lotame data empowered PMP package - seasonal

Key, tentpole events such as back-to-school, politics or Olympics that are available on demand

Lotame data empowered PMP package - evergreen

Frequently requested audiences such as age or gender, curated to media that are always available within DSP partners

Smash your KPIs

  • Enhanced performance with custom-built audiences from unique publisher and advertiser outcome data
  • Exclusive consumer insights uncover innovative contextual strategies
  • Incremental reach to new audiences for major league addressability
  • Fast launch, full delivery minus the activation and optimization workload
  • No MFAs, no headaches with complex campaigns, no waste
lotame curated audiences

What you can expect

more efficient

better video completion

more viewable