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Case Study: RE/MAX & Advance Local Prove the Value of Data Collaboration

The Challenge:

In an era where third-party cookie tracking is disappearing, RE/MAX, a global leader in real estate, and Advance Local, a powerhouse in local media, faced a critical challenge: How to uncover a multi-dimensional view of their top prospects?

The Solution:

The solution was enabled by data collaboration, facilitated through Lotame’s data collaboration platform, Spherical. This strategic move allowed the collaboration and sharing of first-party data between RE/MAX and Advance Local, uncovering new insights and behaviors of potential customers beyond the limited scope of contextual targeting.

The Results:

  • Discovery of an 11% overlap between RE/MAX qualified leads and Advance Local’s first-party data, revealing 30,000 unique profiles ripe for analysis.
  • Identification of over 200 diverse attributes across Advance Local’s contextual site map, providing a broader understanding of consumer interests beyond traditional real estate topics.
  • Insights into unique interests such as college loans, cheerleading, and Medicare, suggesting opportunities for more targeted engagement strategies.
  • Identification of high-potential geographic areas for RE/MAX expansion, informed by data-driven insights.

The Impact:

This collaboration not only showcased the untapped potential of first-party data in understanding and engaging with consumers but also set a precedent for future data-driven initiatives in the real estate industry. By leveraging advanced data analytics, RE/MAX and Advance Local have opened doors to more efficient, smarter marketing strategies and deeper consumer connections.

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