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Lotame’s New Brand Identity Debuts Today

We’re thrilled to unveil Lotame’s new brand identity alongside the launch of our end-to-end data collaboration platform Spherical. Debuting today are our new Mission, Tagline, and Visual Identity. But we’re just getting started. Stay tuned for more of our brand identity throughout the year, across the Spherical platform and our owned channels. Onto the good stuff…

Refreshed Mission & Tagline in Action

Lotame believes data provides a competitive advantage to companies. It’s why we started our business more than a decade ago. Some companies are flush with first-party data, while others need it. That much hasn’t changed. Many don’t know how to make the most of the data that they do have for any number of reasons, such as a lack of sophisticated tools, clear use cases, internal knowledge or resources. To complicate matters, handling customer data comes with a host of issues, both macro and micro — from changing privacy regulations to the threat of addressability going away, third-party cookie deprecation, and many more. 

Every company should be able to benefit from customer data, whether it’s your first-party data, second-party data, or third-party data. But we recognize that access to customer data doesn’t equate to benefit, so we’re going one step further in our promise to marketers and media owners. Data-driven is only half of the action required — our ultimate goal is to make you Data Empowered through solutions that do just that and more.

Lotame Mission
Create smarter, faster, and easier ways for digital marketers to innovate and grow using data — whether they have it or need it.

Lotame Tagline
Data Empowered 

You’ll see this mission carried through Spherical’s new functionality, features, and integrations. You’ll see this mission in the continued commitment our team has to exceeding your expectations and providing honest, collaborative consultation. You’ll see this mission, in short, in everything we do and deliver to help grow your business and our relationships. 

Fresh Visual Identity to Match Our Mission 

Hello, new Lotame look! To match the energy and action of our Mission, we’re proud to introduce the streamlined and modern Lotame Visual Identity. We focused on four core pillars of our Visual Identity to best express who we are and where we’re going, with a nod to our successful history. 

Lotame Brand Identity

Interoperability and connectivity are vital to our solutions, as are our relationships with each other, our many partners, and clients. Visually, we’re adding more motion and subtle gradients to express this critical dimensionality.

We walk the walk at Lotame. How can we deliver smarter, faster, and easier ways to help our clients grow? Innovation is in our DNA and enables us to bring award-winning solutions to market like Lotame Panorama ID™ and the first-ever end-to-end data collaboration platform Spherical. To reflect this spirit, our new brand identity focuses on bold typography and eye-catching colors.

Adtech is a complex, ever-changing industry. We strive to simplify the time to value for our clients by creating frictionless experiences and solutions. We’ve eliminated clutter to introduce new fresh graphics and visuals that telegraph benefits over features. In addition, our Visual Identity follows accessibility principles, committed to Level AA accessibility.

Lotame employees are passionate people by nature. It’s the secret sauce to our success. We also love solving problems with data and want to democratize that competitive advantage for everyone. Our Visual Identity is rooted in humanizing our technology and making all people feel welcome and energized by data’s potential.

Get Data Empowered
Want to see more Data Empowered in action? Learn more about Spherical, and how our technology can provide you with actionable customer intelligence, data informed audiences, and identity powered activation. Connect with us now!